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"Turbulent Currents"

Harlequin Ducks

on the Kamestastin River, Labrador

9"x 18" Acrylic



We spent a lot of time along the Kamestastin River scouting for caribou on our October 2008 expedition. This is a known breeding location for Harlequin Ducks. Harlequins, threatened or endangered throughout their range, are noted as one of North America's most flamboyantly colorful ducks. However, in contemplating the beautiful light and color in the water, it struck me that these seemingly garish ducks, rather than inviting predators' attention, actually blend in well when seen in situ; and the idea for the painting was set. It took me two years to get sufficiently good reference of the ducks, however. On a trip to Yellowstone National Park in the spring of 2010, I found them at a breeding site and was able to observe and photograph both males and females for three days before all the males left.

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