I am an "APO Native" Vermonter (born to Vermont parents on active military duty out of state) a unique designation invented and bestowed by Governor Dean Davis in 1968. Growing up in Vermont I did all of the usual Norman Rockwell stuff rural Vermont kids did, even including attending one day at the West Bolton one-room schoolhouse. Able to draw preternaturally well from a very young age, I was sometimes in trouble for drawing pictures in class instead of listening. My fifth grade art teacher, Mr. Kennedy, was the first person to tell me that I could become a professional. But science seemed to win out.
Inspiring exasperated eye-rolls from my staid, maternal grandfather in Proctor, Vermont, I found the critters and habitats of the shoreline microcosms vastly more interesting than barbing some hapless worm on a hook. That is, in essence, what led me to a degree in biology. However, my lab drawings led to illustrating for professors, and ... upon graduation, I headed for NYC with the goal of becoming the "Audubon of Bugs." After 16 years as a successful freelance advertising artist (the biological stuff didn't pay well), in 1994, I returned to Vermont with two brilliant young daughters and plunged headlong into wildlife art.
After years on the national art show circuit, I started a series of 20 wilderness art expeditions from Labrador - Alaska during which I moved back to West Bolton and captured a beautiful Canadian in Montreal. Bonnie and I now live with the treasured beaver pond of my youth, Preston Pond, in the backyard and I am slowly realizing, after two summers of Covid-induced Vermont expeditions, that I do not need to hazard the perils of the far north to find artistic inspiration (though I do rather miss it sometimes - it's the adventure).
Art, Adventure and Conservation
Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Vermont 1978
Freelance Advertising Artist; NYC 1978 - 1994
Wildlife and Wilderness artist since 1994: nearly 100 shows from coast to coast with dozens of awards*.
Founder/Executive Director of the Wilderness River Expedition Art Fellowship (WREAF)
(as of 2013, a program of the Center for Circumpolar Studies) working with the Smithsonian's Arctic Studies Center on a boreal forest exhibition. -
Wilderness exedition canoeist, 20 art expeditions since 2001 (ten more before that, though the early ones weren't art oriented) sponsored by Mad River Canoe Company 2001 - 2007 and by PakBoats since 2012
Wildlife and Wilderness Artist
Bennington Collective Master Artist
Society of Animal Artist Signature Member
Represented by Robert Paul Galleries Stowe, Vermont
* Including
Best of Show: Pac Rim Art Show - Seattle, WA​
Best of Show: California Open Wildlife Art Show - San Diego, CA
Best Waterfowl Award: Arts for the Parks Top 100 Show and National Tour - Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton NP, WY
Cape Hatteras National Seashore Award: Arts for the Parks Top 100 Show and National Tour - Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton NP, WY
Birds in Art Exhibition
SAA annual Art and the Animal Exhibition
Easton Waterfowl Festival
Art in der Natur - Netherlands
Nature in Art - UK
Art Expeditions
2021 June 9 - October 3: six weeks on Lake Champlain; end-to-end and around aboard the Artful Otter.
2020 September 16 - October 17: Long Trail, 273 miles End-to-End. 20 paintings.
2019 All Year: Built a 21' x 24' two-story, post and beam barn.
2018 Aug 3 - Sept 12 Trans-Ungava and Tursujuq National Park. Third known party across via the Melezes River since 1896.
2017 May 4 - May 18 Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument
2016 July 29 - Aug 12: Ending the Beginning: Lower Missinaibi to James Bay
2015 Aug 12 - Sept 2 (+/-): Northern Rim of the Boreal Forest Part III; Kobuk River to the Chukchi Sea.
2014 Sept 13 - 20: 80-mile section hike on the Long Trail, MA - Wallingford VT
2013 July 25 - August 25: Northern Rim of the Boreal Part II: Noatak River to the Kobuk River, crossing the Brooks Range via Angiaak Pass and on to Ambler, AK - adopted by two young black bears for two days and charged by a Grizzly. Account published in Alaska Magazine.
2012 July 24 - Sept 2: Northern Rim of the Boreal Part One: Noatak River, Alaska; Lucky Six Creek to the Chukchi Sea.
2011 Aug 1- Aug 30; "Heart of the Boreal"; Woodland Caribou Provincial Park
2009 Sept 1 - Oct 3; "Trans-Labrador"; Lake Attikamagen Labrador - Nain, Labrador (300-mile canoe expedition; third party on the second half of route in 100 years)
2008 Sept 29 - Oct 18; Lake Kamestastin, Labrador (base camp exploration of area)
2008 Aug 31 - Sept 9; Slate Islands, Lake Superior (canoe expedition)
2008 Jan 31 - Feb 15; St. Ignace Island/Nipigon Bay, Lake Superior (toboggan trip over the ice)
2007 July 13 - Aug 4; Sleeping Giant to Rainbow Falls, Lake Superior NMCA promotion (canoe expedition)
2006/07 Dec 18 - Jan 18; Lajitas, TX - Pecos River, Rio Grande (canoe expedition)
2006 Aug 31 - Sept 20; Indian House Lake - Helen Falls; George River, Nunavik (canoe expedition)
2005 Aug 23 - Sept 15; Indian House Lake - Kangiqsualuujuaq Ungava Bay, George River (canoe expedition)
2004 Aug 30 - Sept 18; Chapleau River, Ontario (canoe expedition)
2003 Sept 25 - Oct 9; Mattice, Ontario to Moose River Crossing, Missinaibi River and Moose Rivers (canoe expedition)
2002 Oct 3 - Oct 12; Harricana River, QC (returned to start - dangerously high water and snow) (canoe expedition)
2001 Aug 23 - Sept 14; Missinaibi Lake to Moose River Crossing, Missinaibi and Moose Rivers (canoe expedition)